
On this page, you can find details about our Board Members and Officers. You can also learn more about our community-driven mission, explore our strategic plan, and review our bylaws as we work together to preserve and revitalize this historic neighborhood.

Our Mission

The Central Industrial District Association (CIDA) or Historic West Bottoms (HWB) is a not for profit organization designed to promote and advocate for public and private improvements for the welfare of business and industry in the CIDA.

Board Officers

Tom Esselman


Ian Davis


Lauren Brown


Bruce Holloway

Chairman of the Board

Board Members

Jenna Baechle

Chris Boland

Scott Brown

Scott Burnett

Michelle Freed

Chris Haghirian

Brian Ingalls

Chase Johnson

John Krumme

Julie Lane

Kylie McConnell

Kaitlin Roberts

Joshua Ross

Steve Routh

Curtis Stafford

Lotta Williams

Mike Zeller